S’j was founded in 2016 by Satoshi Nakao and Jens Jörke. Satoshi comes from Osaka in Japan, where he discovered his passion for crepes in his childhood in his mother’s crepe shops.
Jens comes from Bielefeld, and when he ate Japanese crepes for the first time in Osaka in 2015, he was so surprised and thrilled
that this culinary temptation is now also available in Bielefeld.

Satoshi brings in the professionally learned culinary art, the recipes and partly the ingredients from Japan.
Jens brings in many years of commercial expertise as well as know-how and a network from Germany.

Our whole company philosophy can be reduced to two words:
Smiling guests.
This is the reason why S’j exists. This is also our daily motivation.

For the preparation of the original recipes and the carefully selected ingredients, S’j uses only homemade produced sauces and homemade produced Japanese cream.
This way, the crepes always surprise with their unique taste.

Everyone in the S’j team loves crepes themselves.
The same goes for the bubble
teas. And they want to share
this joy by preparing the delicacies
and interacting with the guests.